We love talking about board games!
We love thinking, watching, listening - and shouting about board games! We love hearing what board games are being played around the world – which are the best, which are the worst, how they can be improved, how they excite and challenge us all. We love it all.
Started back in October 2014, on Fridays, we quickly realized that most of us were more likely to respond and share the games we played while the weekend was still fresh in all our minds, so a switch to Monday was needed. And the #WhatDidYouPlayMondays hashtag began.
It’s been amazing to watch just how quickly this is has grown and become a Monday tradition in the board game, card game, RPG and tabletop community. Each week we hear from hundreds of tabletop gamers sharing information about what games they’ve played during the previous week. Often it’s just a list of games played during the previous week, but it sometimes includes photos, videos or podcasts of games being played and impressions and opinions of those games. #WhatDidYouPlayMondays has grown to sometimes encompass recent purchases, a list of wins and losses, introducing kids to their first gaming experience, a mini-support session for gamers who haven't played anything for a while, and a chance for board gamers from all around to world to connect.

Like many hashtags, #WhatDidYouPlayMondays started on Twitter. But it has grown to include a very active community on several Facebook groups, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+.
Every week we post a new photo and ask the world to share what they've been playing - it's a great way to hear what people are saying and what games actually get played.
Join the Board Game Conversation
on Facebook on the Geeky Goodies page
on Facebook in the Table Top Family Games Group
on Instagram on the Geeky Goodies account (@thechriscormier)
on Twitter on the Geeky Goodies account (@thechriscormier)
We love hearing from you and hope you’ll join us every Monday. Tweet, post and share what games you’ve played during the previous week using the #WhatDidYouPlayMondays.

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