Love Addict, Confessions of a Serial Dater by Koren Shadmi is an almost embarrassingly honest look at modern dating.
Newly single K. is encouraged by his roommate to get out there dating again with the help of a dating app. His search for love quickly spirals into a hunt for new sex. It gets icky and sad from there.
I can't really say that I enjoyed this one and think I might need a shower to feel less gross, however I was admittedly voyeuristicly fascinated with Love Addict, a dishonest title to be sure. Not so much because of the titillating graphics and subject matter but because of how it seemingly realistically portrays today's technologically assisted world of online dating. And the ups and downs that the fast-food, order-in mentality of today's world can inflict on the complex nature of relationships. Makes one grateful to be in a long-term, committed relationship.
Please note that this is not at all a comic book for kids - there is a large amount of graphically depicted sex and nudity in this book along with frank discussion about sex and sexuality.