Join the Board Game Conversation. What Did You Play Mondays: June 12, 2017
What Board Games did you play last week and/or during the weekend?
This week was a great one! I went to a local game convention (TABScon by Toronto Area Boardgaming Society) and played a bunch of fun stuff!
A Game of Thrones: Hand of the King (a super-fun filler where Varys scoots around "the board" scheming on your behalf and collecting cards for you - similar to Hey, That's My Fish but better - and with Game of Thrones!)
Istanbul with both expansions and 1 promo (still a top-favorite "recent game." The expansion make it longer but much more fun!)
My Comic Book rethemed version of Modern Art (fantastic game of dertmining market values, simple for beginners and always interesting, my favorite auction game)
Rocky Road à la Mode (Such a cute game. Small box - BIG game! Great combination of mechanisms make this one easily one my new go-to filler games)
an Unpublished Prototype of a fun drawing/art auction game by a local game designer
Animal Upon Animal (HABA's animal stacking game is a classic for a reason - great fun, dexerity game, challenging for kids and adults)
Kanagawa (my favorite kind of card drafting, a beautiful press your luck game/set collection game with simple rules and interesting scoring)
Flip City with the Reuse expansion (a really different, unusual and interesting deck building game with double-sided cards and interesting card combinations)
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Game in the photo is Colt Express with the Horses & Stagecoach expansion
Join the board game conversation and share what tabletop games you played what during the previous week in the comments below or on social media.
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