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What’s Been Going On - Part 9: Shirts in Youth Sizes Now Available

WOW! Geeky Goodies has been so busy! To busy to blog, even! I’m sorry that we’ve been neglecting you Bits + Pieces Blog. In an effort to catch up, I thought I would do a series of blog posts about what’s been happening here at Geeky Goodies HQ during the past little while.

Here is a little bit about what we’ve been up to. Watch for more coming soon!

Shirts in Youth Sizes Now Available

We’re starting to get some of our designs available on children and youth shirt sizes!

Shirts in Youth Sizes Now Available | Geeky shirts for Children, Youth, and Toddlers | Geek Kids | Geek Parents | Geeky Goodies

Okay, the truth is we only have 1 design listed (The Meeples of Abbey Road), but we will be adding many, many more in the near future, including a couple that are designed exclusively for toddlers and children.

Stay tuned for more updates soon.

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