WOW! Geeky Goodies has been so busy! To busy to blog, even! I’m sorry that we’ve been neglecting you Bits + Pieces Blog. In an effort to catch up, I thought I would do a series of blog posts about what’s been happening here at Geeky Goodies HQ during the past little while.
Here is a little bit about what we’ve been up to. Watch for more coming soon!
Events and Places to Play Board Games in Toronto and the GTA (The Greater Toronto Area)
We love board games and we love our city. We also believe that a strong board game community is exciting and fun for all of us so we have created this little part of our site to help shed some light on some of the opportunities for gaming in our community.
We’ve included a Calendar of Board Gaming Events in Toronto and the GTA as part of our commitment to help grow The Hobby and hope that some of the local gamers will use this to connect, meet and try some new games.
Check it out:!boardgamingtoronto/ouy07

If you notice any errors on our calendar please take a moment to tell us what information and what event is incorrect by sending us a message.