Breakout Toronto 2016 March 18-20, 2016 Holiday Inn at Yorkdale
Breakout Toronto is a 3-day tabletop gaming convention in Toronto, Ontario.
Although this is the first year for Breakout, it is organized by the people behind the Toronto Area Boardgaming Society (TABS) so you can be certain the event will be well-organized, draw a big crowd of tabletop gamers and become a big success. Breakout will feature:
Dedicated open board gaming where you can bring your own games to play or borrow games from their library.
Tournaments with prizes to be won, including Netrunner (LCG) and Splendor tournaments.
Special guests including Canadian board game designer, Eric Lang.
Star Wars Imperial Assault and Star Wars X-wing gaming events.
A dedicated role-playing games hall with D&D 5th Ed., Pathfinder and other gaming event.
A large “Bring and Buy” Auction of games to purchase.
A 3-day Pass is just $50 (CAD).
Find out more about Breakout Toronto 2016 and purchase tickets at: https://breakoutcon.com/
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