We like the folks at Shuffle and Roll and the National Post! They've featured another one of our photos in National Post today!
This time our photo of a close friend's painted minis from the game Specter Ops made it in. Specter Ops is a gorgeous sci-fi-themed board game where players are trying to find and hunt down one of the other players in the game who is moving around the board secretly and trying to remain undiscovered while accomplishing missions. If you like Scotland Yard and think a more mature, sci-fi game would appeal to you then you should definately check it out.
Here is what the photo looks like:

Find out more about Shuffle and Roll at their website: http://shuffleandroll.ca/. Thanks @ShuffleRoll!
You can see the Shuffle and Roll page at: http://news.nationalpost.com/shuffle-roll-2/shuffle-roll-for-january-25-most-anticipated-games-of-2016